<aside> 💡 Collaboration to speed up our infrastructure provisioning and deployment. Why build something that already exists?


Interact with Mempool Data

Alex Advise for Network Rollout and Fault Tolerance

Web3 Exploration and Education


Considering partnering with TenderMint team to accelerate our growth into the Web3 space to fuel our ecosystems growth, security, and privacy

Accelerating The Global Transition To Web 3 | Ignite



We’ve reached out to discuss collaboration on ventures.

Blockchain Venture Fund To Propel Promising Projects | Ignite Ventures


Blockchain Accelerator Program To Fast-Track Innovation | Ignite Accelerator

Acceleration has been applied for through the following link. Awaiting their response

Table 1 - Application Form

Open source GitHub Repo for Cosmos SDK


SDK High level overview

cosmos-sdk/overview.md at main · cosmos/cosmos-sdk